Referee Clinic Level 1 – Saturday, February 22nd

On Saturday, February 22nd there is an opportunity for a level 1 referee clinic at Spooky Nook Sports Complex. The trainers for this event are Sherri Magneson and Katie Huntinger.  Union members can sign up through Rugby Xplorer for $85.  This cost covers the trainers and materials needed for this event. We have the turf field and team room from 8:30 am - 5:30 pm.

Once a ref is certified, they can referee in any organization; EPRU, MARC, RugbyPa, Capitol, MARR, NIRA, etc.  This benefits all rugby players from college to club.  What makes this event especially unique is that newly certified referees will be able to immediately get live field experience the very next week with coaching and evaluation during the Frostbite Tournament the following week.

To sign up click here - Once you log in to your Rugby Xlpoer account click on learning center on the left side.



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