

  • Maintaining EPRU Membership
  • Dues
  • Mergers/Name Change
  • Becoming an EPRU Member
  • Club Incoming and Outgoing Transfers
Maintaining EPRU Membership

Maintaining EPRU Membership

The EPRU Executive Committee has the authority to drop any club from membership in the EPRU who does not play matches or repeatedly cancels matches, does not submit a schedule to the Referees Society, fails to pay dues and/or is not fully enrolled in USA Rugby's CIPP Membership program. Full compliance in CIPP includes both Club Membership and a minimum of fifteen (15) enrolled players.

Penalties for Playing Non-Members

Full Members, Associate Members, Recognized Members and Sevens Only Members are not permitted to schedule, play, scrimmage or practice with non-members of the EPRU or any other recognized Union. This includes tournaments. The following penalties will be imposed:

• 1st offense - $100 fine

• 2nd offense - $100 fine, out of league play for one year and no player on that team is eligible for All-Star play

• 3rd offense - $100 fine, out of league play for one year, the team will drop one division, and no player on that team is eligible for All-Star play

• 4th offense - expulsion from the Union

Offenses will be carried from year to year. Recognized, Associate and 7s-only Members who play non-members may jeopardize their status, which could effect their future application for either Full or Associate Membership. For an updated list of EPRU members, go to If you are unsure of a team's status, contact the EPRU Secretary at or the Secretary of the Union that team is in.

Membership Services


Clubs may post team events in the Events Section of this website. Teams may also post requests for players and/or coaches.

To post, please contact


The Laws of the Game book can be ordered from any rugby equipment supplier. Here’s one to use To view the Laws of the Game online, go


EPRU will award a $500 grant to a member club who hosts a USA Rugby Coaching Certification Clinic, such as CDP Workshop. Grants for other clinics may be awarded on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of the EPRU Executive Committee.


EPRU will provide a $500 sponsorship to a member club who hosts a USA Rugby national event. A National event is defined as one where a USA Rugby National Champion is declared.

MEMBER CLUBS ATTENDING NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS (only applies to an event where a USA Rugby or NSCRO National Champion is crowned)

The EPRU offers assistance to all EPRU member clubs whom (at the time of request for assistance) are in Good Standing with the Union (ie. have paid EPRU dues in full and have no outstanding fines, are not on probation and are fully CIPP enrolled under EPRU). The maximum amount of assistance provided is $3,000 for 15's and $1,500 for 7's. The goal of this program is to help reduce costs incurred by member clubs who have been given the opportunity to represent the EPRU at a national championship. This program does not apply to play-ins, play-offs, quarter-finals, semi-finals or invitational tournaments. Eligible costs for this program are: Travel costs incurred by the team (airfare and lodging) for players and coaches, and Tournament Fees. The EPRU will not offer assistance for any expenses incurred for meals and entertainment.

The following information must be provided to the EPRU prior to any assistance being issued: (1) Breakout of expenses for which the member club is seeking assistance and (2) Copies of receipts justifying that these expenses have been incurred. Breakout list (#1 above) and receipts (#2 above) should be submitted to EPRU, PO Box 393, Exton, PA 19341.

Treasurer's Guidelines

Dues are $25.00 per person (player, coach, club referee, club administrator/volunteer) and are paid online at through the USA Rugby Membership program (also known as CIPP - Club and Individual Membership Program) and must be paid prior to a player's first match. The $25.00 per person fee is in ADDITION to USA Rugby's fees as noted below.

USA Rugby Membership Categories and Costs

• Senior Player: $45.00

• College Player: $40.00

• Coach: $65.00

• Admin/Exec/Volunteer: $30.00

• Referee: $45

All bills, including traveling expense reimbursement for All Star players, MUST be submitted to the Treasurer within ONE (1) MONTH of the incurred expenses. No reimbursement will be made after this period.

A $50 fee will be charged for all returned (bounced) checks and a $10 per month fee will be charged on all outstanding balances.


Dues Structure

Effective September 1, 2013

As of September 1, 2013 EPRU dues will be collected on a per player basis through the USA Rugby Membership Program (a/k/a CIPP).

Dues are $25.00 per person. See paragraph one above.

Checks for Fairmount Park fees, Tournament Application fees and other miscellaneous payments are payable to "EPRU" and should be mailed to: EPRU, PO Box 393, Exton, PA 19341.

The EPRU's Tax ID # is 21-0401373

Approximate Startup Costs for a Rugby Team


EPRU Dues (7s Only Membership, Recognized Membership, Associate Membership or Full Membership)

$25.00 per person

Membership Application Fee - $50.00 (effective 1/1/03) - check to be submitted with application

USA Rugby Club & Individual Participant Program (CIPP)

Membership Dues - Individuals

• Adult Individual - $45/person affiliated with a men's or women's club, referee society, or those who want to register "At-Large" (not affiliated with a specific team or referee society) - multiply by # of participants

• Collegiate Individual - $40/person affiliated with a collegiate men's or women's team - multiply by # of participants

• Coach - $65/person affiliated with either a men's or women's club or men's or women's collegiate team. All teams must have a certified coach and that coach must be CIPP enrolled.

• Administrator/Exec/Volunteer - $30/person affiliated with either a men's or women's club or men's or women's collegiate team

• USA Rugby membership INCLUDES insurance for rugby-related accidents at practices, matches and travel to and from those activities. You must be registered prior to the time of injury. This is secondary coverage but will serve as primary coverage in the absence of other medical coverage.

Membership Dues - Club - $150

All clubs must register/enroll with USA Rugby. Third party liability insurance is included with this enrollment. This insurance covers accidents and bodily injury to third parties. It also reduces the liability for registered members and enables members to use facilities that require third party liability insurance coverage. Proof of Insurance Certificates are available through USA Rugby by completing the online request form in the Insurance section of

Referees Fees

$100 per match for individual matches. All referees receive the same amount regardless of grade level of referee. If an additional B side referee is assigned, the fee is $100. If the A side referee does the B side match, the fee is $75.

Multiple Matches Per Day or Tournaments $150 for full day, $100 for half day


Player’s Kit/Equipment*

Numbered Jerseys $40 to $75 each (EPRU policy requires all jerseys be properly numbered by position)

Rugby Shorts $25 to $29 each

Socks $7 to $9 each

Boots $60 to $125 pair

Mouthguard $2 to $20

Headgear $45 to $55

Extra Cleat Studs $10 to $15

Extra Laces $2

Law Book $10 each

Laws in Plain English $8 each

Other items to consider: shin guards, scrum caps, shoulder vests

Field Equipment*

Goal Posts $2,220

Goal Post Pads $750 to $850

Field Marking Kit $145

(4 wheel paint liner, 14 flexible poles, 1 case of paint)

Touch Flags (14) $14

Game Balls $30 to $60 each

Spectator Ropes & Posts (both sides of field)

Practice Equipment*

Cones (12) $20

Practice Balls $20 each

Ball Bag $10

Ball Pump $12

Needles (pk of 3) $4

Rucking/Mauling Pads $55 each

Tackling Dummy (2) $230

Tackle Suit (Adult) $60

Scrum Machine $1,000+

(Plans to build your own) $15

Scrimmage Vests (10) $135

Whistles $5 to $10 each

Kicking Tees $15 each

Coaching Books $15 to $25 each

Training Tapes $20 to $30 each


First Aid Kit (mandatory!) $75 to $168 (along with someone who knows First Aid)

*source: Matt Godek Rugby Supply -- Order Toll Free 1-800-USA-RUGBY or online at

Mergers/Name Change

Club Mergers

Any Member club wishing to merge with another Member club must declare that intention, in writing, to the EPRU Secretary before the September Board of Directors meeting to be voted on at the next meeting.

Successor club will be responsible for any obligations of the merged club. All clubs merging after December 1st will be responsible for all dues and obligations to the EPRU as separate clubs.

The Board of Directors, along with the Divisional Play Chair, will reserve the right to place the new team in the division it feels is appropriate.

Member Club Name Change

Any Member club wishing to change its club name must submit a letter, signed by least two club officers, requesting such a change, along with reasons for the change, to the EPRU Secretary at least 60 days in advance of the change. Minutes of the meeting in which club members voted for the change (to include the vote count) as well as updated by-laws for the club should be submitted as well.

All paperwork should be mailed to:


PO Box 393

Exton, PA 19341

The EPRU retains the right to deny any name change deemed offensive, inflammatory, or not in the best interests or promotion of the sport of Rugby.

Becoming an EPRU Member

Full Membership

Full Membership in the EPRU is the final step for rugby clubs and has no time limit. Full Members are eligible for all benefits offered by the EPRU.

Benefits of Full Membership

  1. Eligible for all EPRU Clinics (coaching, referee, medical, etc).
  2. Eligible for referees from the Eastern Pennsylvania Rugby Referees Society (EPRRS).
  3. Permitted one (1) voting member at all EPRU meetings.
  4. Eligible to run for Union offices and serve on Committees.
  5. Eligible for representative play at the EPRU, MAC, and USA levels.
  6. Eligible to participate in the EPRU league (divisional play) system.
  7. Eligible to participate in the MAC and USA Championships.
  8. Eligible to play teams from within & without MAC.
  9. Eligible to host incoming tours and go on tour outside the USA.
  10. Eligible to host tournaments and apply for sanctioning of same by the Union.
  11. Eligible to bid on and host EPRU, MAC, and USA Rugby events.
  12. Access to Union services.
  13. Eligible for referee visits by the EPRRS to explain Laws, provide Law education and interpretation.

Applying for Full Membership

An application for Full Membership must be submitted to the EPRU Secretary. This application must contain, but is not limited to, the following:

  1. A letter requesting the club to be considered for Full Membership. If the club wishes to participate in the divisional play schedule, this must be so stated.
  2. A brief history of the club.
  3. A copy of the club's Bylaws and/or Constitution.
  4. A list of team officers with email addresses and phone numbers. Officers should include: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Match Secretary, Coach.
  5. All players and a Level 200 coach must be registered with your team within USA Rugby's membership system. The registered Coach must also submit a signed "Coaches Code of Conduct" with the application.
  6. Date when election of officers is held. *Note: it must be at least once per year*
  7. A copy of your current budget and proposed budget for the following year. Colleges and graduate schools must include the amount funded by the school and description of how and when funds are disbursed. List line items that the school will fund and ones they won't.
  8. A list of fundraisers, charity events, etc that you have planned to raise money, remain solvent, and improve the image of Rugby either in your community or on your campus.
  9. Recruiting methods and plans for bringing in new players.
  10. Locations and actual sizes of practice and playing fields. List any restrictions on their use (inclement weather, insurance, use by other sports, etc.). List owner(s) of field(s) such as school district, township, city park, etc.
  11. Any discipline problems in previous games must be reported within USA Rugby CMS and NSCRO Women's Collegiate match reports.

The above items will be reviewed by the Executive Committee after which they can recommend admission (or non-admission) to the Board of Directors. Voting and start of membership will be dependent upon the timing of the competitive cycle for the respective division and the approval of membership by the Board of Directors.

Upon affirmative vote of at least three/fourths (3/4) of a quorum of the Directors of the Union, the club/college will be considered a Full Member.

Full Members must report any changes in officers via the website forms promptly.

Full Members will be under the jurisdiction of the EPRU Disciplinary Committee and are expected to uphold the rules and regulations of the EPRU. Disciplinary action may be taken against a Full Member if the Disciplinary Committee feels it is warranted.

Should the club/college wish to resign from the Union, a statement of intent must be submitted in writing, to the President of the Union. The statement should be signed by at least two officers of the club and the meeting minutes from the meeting where the decision was made will need to be provided. Any request for resignation will only be honored after that current competitive division's season is complete for that cycle.

Club Incoming and Outgoing Transfers

Incoming Transfers of Clubs

Full Membership in the EPRU is the final step for rugby clubs and has no time limit. Full Members are eligible for all benefits offered by the EPRU.

Benefits of Full Membership

  1. Eligible for all EPRU Clinics (coaching, referee, medical, etc).
  2. Eligible for referees from the Eastern Pennsylvania Rugby Referees Society (EPRRS).
  3. Permitted one (1) voting member at all EPRU meetings.
  4. Eligible to run for Union offices and serve on Committees.
  5. Eligible for representative play at the EPRU, MAC, and USA levels.
  6. Eligible to participate in the EPRU league (divisional play) system.
  7. Eligible to participate in the MAC and USA Championships.
  8. Eligible to play teams from within & without MAC.
  9. Eligible to host incoming tours and go on tour outside the USA.
  10. Eligible to host tournaments and apply for sanctioning of same by the Union.
  11. Eligible to bid on and host EPRU, MAC, and USA Rugby events.
  12. Access to Union services.
  13. Eligible for referee visits by the EPRRS to explain Laws, provide Law education and interpretation.

Applying for Full Membership

An application for Full Membership must be submitted to the EPRU Secretary. This application must contain, but is not limited to, the following:

  1. A letter requesting the club to be considered for Full Membership. If the club wishes to participate in the divisional play schedule, this must be so stated.
  2. A brief history of the club.
  3. A copy of the club's Bylaws and/or Constitution.
  4. A list of team officers with email addresses and phone numbers. Officers should include: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Match Secretary, Coach.
  5. All players and a Level 200 coach must be registered with your team within USA Rugby's membership system. The registered Coach must also submit a signed "Coaches Code of Conduct" with the application.
  6. Date when election of officers is held. *Note: it must be at least once per year*
  7. A copy of your current budget and proposed budget for the following year. Colleges and graduate schools must include the amount funded by the school and description of how and when funds are disbursed. List line items that the school will fund and ones they won't.
  8. A list of fundraisers, charity events, etc that you have planned to raise money, remain solvent, and improve the image of Rugby either in your community or on your campus.
  9. Recruiting methods and plans for bringing in new players.
  10. Locations and actual sizes of practice and playing fields. List any restrictions on their use (inclement weather, insurance, use by other sports, etc.). List owner(s) of field(s) such as school district, township, city park, etc.
  11. Any discipline problems in previous games must be reported within USA Rugby CMS and NSCRO Women's Collegiate match reports.

The above items will be reviewed by the Executive Committee after which they can recommend admission (or non-admission) to the Board of Directors. Voting and start of membership will be dependent upon the timing of the competitive cycle for the respective division and the approval of membership by the Board of Directors.

Upon affirmative vote of at least three/fourths (3/4) of a quorum of the Directors of the Union, the club/college will be considered a Full Member.

Full Members must report any changes in officers via the website forms promptly.

Full Members will be under the jurisdiction of the EPRU Disciplinary Committee and are expected to uphold the rules and regulations of the EPRU. Disciplinary action may be taken against a Full Member if the Disciplinary Committee feels it is warranted.

Should the club/college wish to resign from the Union, a statement of intent must be submitted in writing, to the President of the Union. The statement should be signed by at least two officers of the club and the meeting minutes from the meeting where the decision was made will need to be provided. Any request for resignation will only be honored after that current competitive division's season is complete for that cycle.

Copyright ©2025 Eastern Pennsylvania Rugby Union. All Rights Reserved. Website by Mindburn Solutions.